I am now 18yo and haven't spoken to my family since I was 16,
My mother mentioned it was a possibility, considering my father was an elder I thought maybe they knew something the general congregation wasn't made aware of for obvious reasons.
So are you speaking to your parents then...if so what's the problem?
Anyway....baptism is an "outward symbol" of your dedication to Jehovah. It only has meaning for those who attribute meaning to it. Jehovah's Witnesses put a lot of emphasis on living up to ones dedication even though they are quite flexible when it comes to other dedications. We've seen taking place globally, how they sell off Kingdom Halls that were officially and ceremoniously dedicated to Jehovah and built using free JW labor. These building are often sold for a profit to other religious organizations or what they call "Babylon the Great".
Even the "wicked world" realizes that minors lack the capacity to sign a contract because it is presumed that they don't typically understand fully what they are doing. A minor who enters into contracts can either honor the agreement or void the contract Yet JW's hold each other accountable for an agreement they may have entered into as your children even though they weren't allowed to investigate other religions so as to be fully informed of all the options out there.
Having said that, there isn't a provision for nullifying ones baptism. I've heard of cases where Disfellowshippings were reversed but never baptisms. I think your only option is to either just live the best life you can and hope that your parents eventually come around or get yourself reinstated so that you can later fade. I'd be tempted to call Bethel and tell them your situation and ask them to explain to you the scriptural reasoning behind parents shunning their minor children. See if your parents are being overly strict about all of this even by Bethel's standards. If so, what you can do about it. Perhaps they'll advise you to appeal to the Circuit Overseer after all, any reasonable person can see that if you hadn't been baptized as a kid, you wouldn't have been disfellowshipped and your parent's could still talk to you....even if you'd done something worse than what got you D.F'd in the first place.